College Solutions is pleased to have been noted as the industry experts in many professional forums.
We have spoken recently at:
Youth Leadership Conferences
Northern New England Financial Planners Association Annual Conference
We have been interviewed recently for news/media segments by:
2022- Consultant Kim sits down with Chris Costa to debunk the poltiics in admission and increasing tuition inflation. Several College Solutions’ clients were interviewed to weigh in. WCSH6 segment.
2019- Consultant Kim used as expert for news segment NEWSCENTER MAINE on recent college closures of colleges in New England
2019 - Consutlant Kim respsonds to College Scandals on news Segment NEWSCENTER MAINE
WSCH 6 Jackie Ward
WSCH 6 Amanda Hill
College Solutions has made the front page of the Portland Press Herald Sunday Telegram
Maine Today Shop Talk
Featured on the Front Cover of Keep It Local Magazine, Scarborough Edition